If you ever read one article on PUA in your entire lifetime, THIS is the one to read. It will instantly make you good… it truly is THE SECRET to game. The article starts off at an intermediate level, and at the end, is at a pretty advanced level… discussing how to use this to handle multiple girlfriends and to keep your pipeline of future lays strong, certain, and ever-growing.
The traditional concept of Push-Pull is unclear and difficult to understand… which is a shame because its so extremely important.
Currently, push-pull is viewed one-dimensionally. ‘Be more into her, then be less into her‘. Hot, then cold, or cold, then hot. It’s a very awkward and confusing for the girl, and not in a good way.
Traditional push-pull has two issues:
1) If you are into her and then not into her, she may think you took it as a rejection, which means you have no confidence.
2) If you are NOT into her, and then suddenly act like you are, she may be confused why, and may even be vengeful and seek to ‘shoot you down’ as a means of protecting her pride.
Either way, if you do traditional push-pull, you will struggle for a long time trying to figure out how to calibrate it and how to keep the girl from being confused.
The truth is, the concept is slightly busted. It’s a catch-22, and the community has blind allegiance to it. ‘You just aren’t doing it RIGHT, you need to CALIBRATE more” — actually, how about a novel thought — maybe the theory isn’t 100% correct?
That is in fact the case — push-pull is actually two-dimensional.
If game was a Ferrari, 2D Push-Pull would be the engine. Arguably the most important part would be the gas and oxygen (in this analogy, judgment authority and heat), but 2D Push-Pull is the engine that combines those and drives the interaction forward.
There is two sides in game — the front-side, and the back-side
Front side — All actions that, in isolation, would appear to be hitting on her or chasing her — calling her cute, touching her, doing things that show you like her, being warm to her, calling her sexy, SOI’s, etc… These can all vary in intensity from totally playful and fake… all the way to dead serious. The more serious, the more intense.
Result: Gives her a feeling of validation, appreciation, acceptance, and reward.
All actions on the front-side are labelled ‘Heat’.
Back-side — All actions that show an indifference to losing her, risk losing her, and show your opinion of what is cool/not cool, etc… is higher than hers (judgment authority). Examples: making edgy jokes, telling her you like something even though she just said she hated it, busting on her, not answering her questions, playfully calling her a bitch, being easily distracted, choosing to go to a party instead of go home to lay her, forgetting to text back, getting off the phone before her, dominantly deciding what we will and won’t do. You proactively give her the choice to defer and play along, or resist. Most guys do the opposite… attempt to reduce resistance risk.
All of these actions create a feeling of tension — of clashing opinions. One opinion must be higher (the judgment authority)… one person must be more dominant. One person gets to do what they want, the other must adapt or lose the other person.
All actions on the back-side are labelled ‘Breaks’ — for the tension they cause and how they break from simply following HER opinion authority (like 99% of guys do). Once this tension is created, it must be held. If you waver, it means you are worried about what she thinks and she is GONE brotha.
In normal theory, you can be dominant and have authority, but it doesn’t mean she has to accept it… she can just ignore it and walk away. A lot of newbs have this issue – girls just blow them straight out as soon as they attempt to create tension. This is either because she could sense their capacity to hold the tension was faltering, or because their was no promise of good feelings to entice her to accept your opinion authority.
This is where Heat (the front-side) comes in. Heat is her reward for allowing you to be the dominant person. It is simply a trade for deferring to your authority — you slowly establish your judgment authority via breaks, giving you the ‘final judgment’ on what is cool, acceptable, and not, etc… This creates tension — she has the choice to defer or resist. Your heat is the good feelings that allow her to defer (submit) and still feel good about it. It allows her to cross the ‘gap‘ that your break created. Your heat fills the gap, but you never shrink the gap.. she must come to you. The wider the gap gets (the more breaks), the more heat you must tempt her with to cross it. This is how you can give her a massive amount of heat and build closeness without appearing to be chasing her. It’s the secret sauce.
The more she complies, defers, and submits to your judgment authority, the more you reward her with even more heat. She quickly learns that she gets more and more appreciation, warmth, and good feelings the more she gives you authority. It’s actually a win/win for her — she doesn’t really enjoy having to make decisions anyways… she just wants to sit back and know that if she follows you, she will always feel good about herself and have good emotions.
Heat also builds trust — it shows that you aren’t trying to be dominant and forcefully establish power….you simply just are dominant because good emotions surround you. You are dominant GENUINELY… not as part of a power-trip or powergaming (see article).
Notice how this is different from traditional, one-dimensional push-pull, where you are being more into her, then less into her. That sends mixed signals, doesn’t establish dominance, and doesn’t reward. It just confuses her.
Two-Dimensional Push-Pull changes that. It is an ENGINE that trades her deferrence and compliance to your judgment authority and leadership… in exchange for heat, appreciation, closeness, and love.
This is why you don’t kiss a girl so that YOU can get some, so that YOU can ‘get closer to your goal’. You instead kiss her right at the time that she has most deferred/complied with your authority. So I might kiss her right after I do something like gently push her away and say (playfully) ‘omg, get the fuck out of here!’ There is a strong tension from that – I am proactively giving her the option to get mad, which means I am indifferent to losing her and thus dominant. The burden is on her to adapt to me or not. I hold the tension, and let her respond and defer, and then I might say ‘omg, you are too cute, get in here’ and then give her a kiss. Thus, the exchange is complete. (note: this needs to be done naturally, like you are just expressing your personality… not contrived and transparently obvious)
What if she resisted? I wouldn’t kiss her, because she didn’t defer. But I wouldn’t let it lower my happiness an ounce or make me leave her, because that would mean I am looking for her opinion of me, allowing her to judge if what I did was good or bad, giving her judgment authority. I didn’t do anything wrong, she just didn’t get my humor, she didn’t adapt. I continue being just as normal, breaking, and giving her heat. I just don’t intensify the heat because she hasn’t deferred yet. Don’t worry she will.
In general, the equation is to keep you front-side and back-side about equal, maybe just a tad more heat. But what you will notice is this… and this is the GREATEST TRICK IN GAME OF ALL TIME — 2 dimensional push-pull is a Virtuous Circle. The more that you give her heat, the more breaks she will allow you to get away with and will adapt to you…. which allows you to create MORE HEAT… which again, allows you to get away with EVEN STRONGER breaks. Pretty soon, you can tell the girl that the moon is made of cheese and she will willingly follow you just because she is so conditioned to desire the heat that you give her. You can call her a ‘hooker’ in front of her girl friends and lovingly grab her on the butt afterwards… not only will she love it, but her friends will be jealous that she has a man like that. (logically, this doesn’t make sense, but emotionally it makes perfect sense).
This is what I call Amplitude — if on a 1-10000 scale, you had 100 break, and 101 heat, that would be FAR weaker than having 9000 break, and 9090 heat, despite even ratios. You have FAR more compliance, and FAR more heat progress in the second section.
Pretty soon, you can start to see that the goal of the GIRL is to obtain sex, and the goal of the GUY is to allow himself to be as much of ‘himself’ as possible. Want to go hang out with your boys in Vegas all weekend and not call her? Since that is a strong break, all you have to do is make up for it on the heat side. She secretly LOVES that you do what you want, without looking for her approval. And she gets her sex and emotional appreciation out of it for compensation. That is why, in my life, I honestly feel like all I am ever doing is handing out sex as a payment to girls, for them having adapted and let me do whatever I wanted. It’s why I’m able to have 3 girlfriends and cheat all the time: all I have to do is, whenever I finally remember to call them that week, just be super appreciative and talk sexy with them, and they get the validation the needed in exchange for the torment I have put them through.
It also will make your pipeline extremely robust — because you have so many girls you are talking to, you are, by necessity, having to ignore certain girl’s text messages for days at a time. Fear not — all you have to do is give even more heat to make up for the adapting that she just had to go through. As your pipeline grows, this will allow you to free up a WHOLE lot of time that you would have been spending doing the stupid ‘back and forth flirty text message’ game. Trust me, nothing wins that game quicker than a couple quick text messages that create breaks, reward her adapting, and then suddenly you disappear. Come back in a few days later with a ‘hey there you foxy lady’ and I promise you she is ready for a date with you.
As with any theory, this can be messed up several ways:
-You can’t allow your heat to look like you are chasing. This can happen if you give heat right in the middle of having just created tension so that you tension falters and it looks like you were afraid she was going to get mad, or it can happen if you accidentally give her more heat than you have made her adapt to on the backside. Both of these will convince her that you are chasing her — which means she is now the judgment authority (she can now sit back and decide what is good/not good enough, cool/not cool… and of course attempt to reward YOU with heat for compliance to HER authority). You now have to take this back.
- Not keeping a baseline level of heat always. If your heat EVER fully shuts off, it means that you were secretly looking for compliance. That means that if a girl totally resisted deferring to you, you would still be nice to her — that is always her temptation to defer. If you got mad and cut the heat off, then that only increases her sense that she has the judgment authority and can control you. Instead, she is always free to get mad and walk away, and you will stay just as flirty and nice to her. If she comes back later, you continue to give her the same baseline heat, and the same level of breaking — nothing changes until she finally adapts, no matter how much she resists. When she finally submits, she gets the extra boost of appreciation and warmth.