Once I was job hunting. I’d FINALLY get a job interview, after tons of networking. Then I’d get rejected. This low acceptance ratio made me compensate by following up on my numerical advantage, and talking to more companies. The adversity made me better and better at networking, crafting emails, and getting in touch with hiring managers and HR. It was a brutal learning curve, but effective. Eventually, I’d got interviews pretty easily. Then offers. But by then, I had too many offers and had to turn some companies down, who were just STUNNED that an applicant would turn them down.
The HR people would be sad and surprised. But what was the truth? This was who they made me. I didn’t want to become this. I wanted to be able to simply walk up to any one company, profess my love for them, and get a job. But they were too choosy. I had to use mass. I didn’t WANT to get good at job hunting, but I was forced to. And now that I have had no choice but to become this machine, I’ve got to listen how sad they are??
Pickiness is totally their right. Just as it is the right of an antibiotic to kill bacteria. But the more selective the process, the stronger the strain is that mutates and survives it. If it kills only 50%, the population is still diversified and strong. But if it kills 99.9% of the bacteria, the survivors are extremely strong, and after breeding soon the entire population is too. The antibiotic is a victim of its own success.
It’s the EXACT SAME with girls. Their selectivity forces you to use a mass-based strategy. You eventually learn how to approach. Then how to get numbers. Then solid numbers. Then dates. Then bounce home. Then overcome LMR. Then sex. Then getting sex again. Then get relationships. Then multi-relationships. Then avoid getting into relationships but still getting sex.
Each process is a huge learning curve perilously strewn with women’s pickiness – Her: “You know what, I’ve got other guys, I’ll catch you later”. FLAKE. Done.
That’s exactly how I eventually… EVENTUALLY…became a machine. I knew how to do it. I could utilize a number-based strategy, and my vastly improved skill dropped my attrition rates sharply. I could move through all the steps and have sex with a girl easily, and started getting relationship ‘offers’. But what had happened by then? I already had other options.
THIS IS WHAT YOU MADE ME. I wanted to just be able to walk up to an attractive girl and tell her I liked her. But apparently that wasn’t easy enough. So this is what I am now. And on top of it, now I have to listen to how sad they are??
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