Would you rather be team mice, or team eagle??
Most would pick team eagle. Why not? Eagles are regal, sexy, and can swoop down and DECIMATE a mouse in a ferocious and all-inspiring way. A mouse is relatively defenseless, and is totally subject to the whims of an eagle’s mood. He may survive and escape an attack 25% of the time, at most.
A woman in the bar is an eagle. Men are 100% subject to her whims, and she can decimate and embarrass a man with as much ferocity as she cares to put in. Act as indifferent as you like… when it comes down to it, in the bar women will always be the choosers and men attempting to get some from them will be at the mercy of her whims.
We may laugh at a guy that gets shot down or gets OWNED by a girl in a bar. A woman might preen her feathers proudly, saying ‘look at all these guys I shoot down… I am so awesome”. That is her power. And it can’t be stopped.
Men are mice, but we have a different power. There’s a reason many eagles are on the endangered species list, but mice never will be. Team Mouse may not be sexy, it may not be inspiring…. but our advantage is immovable. We have quantity. This allows us to turn women’s power against them.
Men are mice, and our advantage is the ability to approach and game as many girls as we feel like. Any one approach to an individual girl may have 25% odds of survival… but it can be scaled cheaply and easily.
Team mouse is not afraid of losing any one mouse. As a man, you must not be afraid of losing any one girl. One-on-one… she has all the power. But the playing field is leveled with diversification. You are allowing her to walk because you know you have many more women. Now, you turn girl against girl, eagle against eagle. You are now simply a conduit for female-to-female competition. Being totally ok with losing her shifts the power totally back into your court. She must now work to keep you, because the second she screws up, you are more than willing to let that mouse die. You’ve got scores more.
Women understand this, it’s why they are so competitive with other girls. and its why they are always griping about it. “Why won’t he commit, how come all these guys always cheat on me?” They are simply mad because their one-on-one power with men, that they’ve had all their lives, has been trumped by men’s sheer numerical advantage. We don’t care about any one girl more than Team Mouse would care about any one mouse. In fact, her power now works against her. The more she asserts her power… the more you start drifting away. Numbers are your power, and INDIFFERENCE is your weapon. The more she acts up, the more distant you become.
For men, if you don’t have numbers, its almost impossible to have any power. Just like if there were only one mouse out there, you’d be constantly worried. “How do I make SURE this works out? This HAS to work out” Now you are at the Eagle’s mercy, and powerless. As soon as you are hoping that any one mouse survives, your advantage is negated. Even in long-term committed relationships, she must always feel that she could mess up enough and cause you to drift away. If not, you have no real check on her behavior, because you have no real power.
This is actually tied to why women are more insecure than men. Yes, rejection is brutal, and it’s hard to witness, but men are lucky because we get to SEE it. We know what we are up against. But for women, our advantage is invisible. They never know how many other girls they might be up against, if any. All they know is that me are generally ok with any of our options, because men are not nearly as picky as women. Whereas men walk into battle and can see the army they are against, women walk onto the battlefield where the enemy is known to be, and there’s nothing in sight. Much much scarier.
Here’s where it gets complex. Why don’t women just pick the guys that don’t play the numbers game, that they have power over?
The truth is, they don’t really want these guys. While they may enjoy the ego boost, women are generally sexually repulsed by men that they’ve got on a leash, that they control. It simply comes down to power — if she can control him, it means that she is the best that he can do, and clearly she can do better.
Women are much more sexually excited by guys that they can’t control. This power can ONLY happen because he’s ok with losing her, usually because he has other options. If so, she’s excited to maybe be picked from amongst his options. She can easily screw up and lose out to another girl. It’s a challenge for her, and she enjoys it.
Women can’t have a numerical advantage — generally, their pickiness doesn’t allow it, because they would have to be indifferent between men, and that’s not usually how women are. And even if they were able to be indifferent, they’d still be judged as a slut (unfortunately).
Even barring that, they still can’t leverage numbers simply because of scheduling. Whereas a guy can flip-flop 6-7 girls around each night of the week, and his girls won’t go anywhere and might even get more attracted from it….for a girl to do that she would risk either 1) pissing off the guy and him pursuing other options or 2) her losing attraction for him simply because she can flip-flop him around and control him.
Conclusion: A girl’s power is immutable, and face-to-face, she has complete and supreme power. You want her more than she wants you. However, that power can be subjugated by employing an numbers-based strategy that uses indifference as it’s main weapon. This levels the playing field, diversifies your options, and actually makes women more attracted to you.
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